
Do you want to enter the art world but don't know where to start? Want to buy contemporary art but can't decide who to buy it from?

Are the walls in your house no longer enough, but you're still interested in being involved in the art world? Do you want to be part of a community of people who feel the same way?And do you want to learn more about art, become a fractional owner of many works of art with great potential, live with art and help grow the contemporary art scene in Central Europe? Then Art Part Club is the place for you.

Within the Art Part Club, members get the opportunity to participate in the co-ownership of carefully curated works with great potential by young contemporary artists from the Central European region. APC prepares monthly offers for purchase, then manages the collection so that co-owners don't have to worry about anything. In addition, members have the opportunity to attend lectures on specific topics within art collecting and investing, as well as visit selected contemporary artists' studios. Once a year, they then have the opportunity to select a work from the collective art collection to enliven their own home space. So each year a member may have something different hanging in their home. This not only has a positive impact on enlivening the living space, but also on the member's creativity and their perception of art.

About the founder:
Anna Pulkertová

The founder of ART PART CLUB is Anna Pulkertová

Anna has been involved in art all her life. Her father is an artist. Since childhood she has been in the world of exhibition halls and studios. She graduated from art history and subsequently studied cultural studies, history and theory of modern and contemporary art and media studies. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Cultural Anthropology, where she is researching collectors' motivations for collecting art. She has worked in academia, in several state and commercial galleries, and in the auction room. Subsequently, she spent years managing and developing an art, brand management through art and art service department at a private bank. She also curated the bank's gallery, which featured the most interesting private collections.

She founded ART PART CLUB with the aim of connecting the world of art, the world of finance and the worlds of various other professions. For years, people came to her for advice on how to navigate the art world, how to find the art of their hearts, how to identify art as investment, how to explore the art world. It is to all these requests that ART PART CLUB responds, and its programme is arranged precisely so that even a complete beginner can get to know this field in its richness and breadth.